The Beginning of Something BIG — Oolong PCV 2.0

Hello Oolongans, how are you all doing?
Oolong PCV was first introduced back in November of 2021, when Oolong launched on Boba Mainnet. In less than a 2-month time, we have accumulated more than $1 million worth of assets in Oolong PCV through swapping fees alone 🎉🎉🎉 Our goal is to continue to grow this PCV through introducing new products to Oolong such as bonding (*cough cough* ) lending, etc, and eventually have a strong “cash reserve” for OolongSwap!
But that’s not it! As of last night, the Oolong devs have just migrated the Oolong PCV from an old contract to a new contract. And this officially marks the beginning of Oolong PCV 2.0!
Because now with the newly migrated contract for Oolong PCV, we can now use the reserved assets in PCV to:
- Provide liquidity for OLO
- Farm OLO
- Stake OLO
- Through farming and staking, “burn” the OLO from the circulating supply
And most importantly, the rate of OLO being farmed and staked by Oolong PCV will grow exponentially because Oolong PCV never sells! When it farms and stakes OLO, it takes the newly earned OLO to farm and stake again and earn more OLO…this is what we call the scheme of mega compounding OLO ;)
Furthermore, in the process of mega compounding OLO, the Oolong PCV will just grow stronger and thicker and eventually IMMORTAL. The goal is for Oolong PCV to become the biggest OLO holder who is also an absolute diamond hand 💎💎💎 The best thing of all these? They will all be done permissiolessly and frictionlessly on chain!
I can’t wait for the exponential growth of Oolong PCV 2.0, what about you?! And that’s it for today, until next time :D
Booooooonding is right around the corner